Wednesday, October 14, 2015


My son is eight years old and has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and he is also an asthmatic. As of May 1995, he was taking 60 mg of Ritalin per day for ADHD and varied medications as needed for his asthma condition. It is difficult enough to take daily medication myself, but to have to give it to my 8-year-old son was as frustrating. Our life was coordinated around medications. Our school and after school program had to keep up with the demands of one child's medications. By the end of May, daily trips to school and calls from the after school program, due to my son's behavior, had pretty much dictated an increase in his medication again.

I had heard of the positive effects of B-12 and OPC-3 through my friend, Mike Homer. I hoped that this would be the answer to my prayers. My son is currently taking B12 and OPC-3 on a daily basis and his Ritalin has been cut in HALF! His grades have improved 100% and I have not received one phone call from his teacher this school year. And as a bonus, he has not had a severe asthma attack since he started on the Isotonix. Considering he has had 6 hospital stays in the last 3 years due to asthma, I would say this is as close to a 100% success rate as one can hope for. Market America has truly changed my life and the life of my family. Your products are a blessing and will remain an important part of our life forever.

Maureen Jock

We have heard that OPC-3 was really effective in helping children with ADD. Our son, B.J., is a borderline case. He never sits still, always fidgeting, always talking, and has great difficulty paying attention. We gave him a dose of OPC-3 and it had a very calming effect on him. Now he can sit still and pay attention. He is doing much better in school. OPC-3 has made a complete change in him. We really notice the difference when he doesn't take it. OPC-3 is such a wonderful product. My husband says that OPC0-3 makes him think straight. He no longer feels like a zombie.

Becky Mittner

My sister's son had a severe case of ADHD and was on prescription meds for three years and the problem worsened. She started intense research into the natural alternatives and she removed all sugar products from Lance's diet and started him on OPC's and colloidal minerals. (This was before either of us joined Market America.) He went from a "C" and "D" student to an "A" and" B" student in about 3 months. She was able to wean him completely off the meds that he was on in 6 months. I would suggest your friend try 2 caps of OPC and 1 cap of Mineral Blast and see what happens. Also the sugar needs to be removed from his diet. Strangely enough, my nephew can now eat some sugar without feeling the consequences, but he stayed off sugar for about 8months.

Marjie Shires

We have a son that was taking 20mg of Ritalin a day, and that was barely getting him through the day. We took him off Ritalin all together and he takes 2 capfuls of OPC-3 in the morning, about 15 minutes before he eats, and that gets him through the whole school day. There really is not set dose that will work on everyone, they all seem to react just a little differently. You will have to try a dosage and see how it works. We tried it on a non-school day so we could see his behavior, and we got it on the first shot.

Charles and Denise

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